“Take your time, but don’t waste your time”
Imagine if Michael Jordan just rested in his first championship win, Serena Williams her Grand Slam, would we know their names? How about the one who made the first airplane and decided to chill, we would be taking very short, cold flights to nowhere or if Steve Jobs just relaxed after making the first iPhone, we would still be using brick phones in 2020 lool.
Plug and play anything you are using in life and just ask yourself: what if they just stopped at the first accomplishment or what made them "comfortable"? Barring the real fact that obstacles get in the way, the biggest obstacle that we constantly underestimate is usually our MIND.
Our mind is such a precious organ that controls so much of our lives and yet, it is so poorly understood. The brain while complicated, works on basic principles, one being: whatever you feed it, it will in turn produce.
The limits you set on your mind quite frankly determines how far you go, which is why we spend so much time challenging what we know, our ideals and our surroundings. We are constantly shaped by what we believe.
The biblical reference here is the infamous story of Peter and Jesus walking on water. Peter like all of us, understood the laws of gravity and buoyance but once he saw Jesus on the water amidst the very real realities around him, a limit on his mind was instantly removed. Suddenly…it was possible. We will talk about fixed focus later but for now my first prompt to you is:
Yes, the boat of comfort, mediocrity, procrastination, perfectionism, self judgment, fear of failure, approval of others, you name it. Get on out!
Now of course the next question is.. how? How does one get out of the boat?
By you taking ownership of the call or vision, you are taking responsibility, pride and commitment ( ooo a word most don't like to hear!) of what you are driven to do.
People do not often associate their dreams with ownership, it is usually placed on physical objects and things but for a moment...think about the thing you own that you love soo much, what feelings come out. A sense of pride, assurance, confidence, a determination to keep it, nurture it and care for it. What if we can apply the same sentiments in owning our dreams regardless of the initial obstacles, what if instead it gave way for passion, tenacity, perseverance and favour?
Owning what drives you, what your called to do provides the courage we are often looking for outside ourselves. If you want to succeed, see yourself as an owner with a boss up above whose approval is the only one that really matters.
I was scared that id be too much, my project/vision wouldn’t make sense, it would be waste of investment but there is a power in owning your call! Stepping in the lane of purpose is a deep sacred place that has been carved specifically for you, with the intention for you to thrive!
Along the route you will have real ones, supporters, destiny helpers, strangers coupled with the doubters, naysayers and haters. What is crazy is that people like to mistake self certainty and contentment with pride or arrogance and will be envious and judge. But like I said in my last episode, " Dear Queen"," let the Pharisees judge and mock, and you babygirl, you thrive". You have no idea who will be inspired by the very thing you are scared of doing. In little steps or big steps you are a point of reference for someone.
Time is precious but also a reminder that it isn’t infinite. You will only be as nimble , youthful, sharp, unoccupied, connected as you are right now, have the support or be in the place you are right now and this is not to rush you but to place things into perspective. If you were really honest with yourself right now, can you say you are truly doing all you can do to walk in your purpose? I can’t help but be reminded where this quote came from in regards to the life of Chadwick Boseman which then makes me think of Kobe and Gianna, Nipsey and all the legends gone this year. How intentional they were with their time, celebrated and lived in the moments stepping out the boat brought them and how they moved with no limitation, making them the legends they are.
One more thing, when you finally do get out onto the waters, and you do that thang, take that first step, land the job, get the degree, own the house, launch the business. Don’t get stuck living in your glory days (that is another boat many love to stay in). Imagine if David was just living it up solely based on him killing Goliath and stayed there! He wouldn’t be the best ruler, he wouldn’t have united the kingdom of Israel and Judah, he wouldn’t establish territory, he wouldn’t have created the blueprint for the temple Solomon would have built etc. There is so much more out in the deep. You might be called out of the boat but you got to move!
You have more power than you think, your mind needs to go there before you do
Own the call- Step into the lane and take authority of the call, it builds the confidence and clarity you need
You stepping out into the deep will inspire someone else to own their call. Time is precious don’t waste it.