“Truth is the agreement of our ideas with the ideas of God”
I have been thinking a lot about the clichés, quotes, phrases and the verses we state on the day to day that sound nice but when your heart is being quickened, challenged by the drama and loss in your life, they are more like empty words going down the drain.
I've sat and wondered so often, why I could feel so confident in one moment, full of faith and belief, ready to risk it all, step out, " get out the boat" and then the winds hit, and my mind goes in overdrive and the negativity and over-thinking takes over.
Introspection is a funny thing because it seems so promising initially, until the internal surgery begins, I have been empowered to know that for example " I am the exception, not better than but different, there is a place to head to by looking forward" but I still feel stopped, anxious, fearfully, reminded of the loss....out of control? Sound familiar?
I then realized two things:
One, the words were only hitting the surface and did not reach a place of deep belief and two, it was because I was not truly in agreement with what God had said.
Belief is not an intrinsic feeling. No one just wakes up believing anything right off the bat, it is not something innate that we are born with, actually quite the opposite.
We are born with a deprived nature, a constant search for something to fill us, to make us whole and give our lives meaning. As we grow, we, our family, culture, social norms, religion etc. train our mind to believe the things we see and know to be true.
But there is truth and then there is opinion. What distinguishes truth is what the dictionary defines as an " accord with fact or reality". An accord refers to a relationship with one entity to another, working in harmony or consistent with. In essence, there is a relationship between what is seen and known and what is understood and believed. It works in tandem with one another
One of my favourite teacher’s right now, Dr. Dharius Daniels states in a series called " Waterwalkers" a profound, simple truth:
How you “see” affects how you move!
We spend the most time talking to ourselves more than anyone else in this world and thus our beliefs generate for ourselves, a perspective of self or "sight" that we use to guide our actions and our beliefs. So stating something or affirming a phrase has to go beyond just words but move to belief in order to really see it actualize and take form in our lives. In the Bible, the word "darkness" in Hebrew refers to" ignorance" and "knowledge" respectively means "light". When we get knowledge (light), we invade the ignorance (darkness) in our lives and we are “supposed” to move in action to apply what is known, which we call wisdom. However, for most it just sits in a bucket of knowledge.
I've said it before and imma keep saying it , what you feed your mind matters and what you believe changes everything. I'm hammering so much on the functionality of the mind because once you master understanding how your mind operates, you will not just want to get out of the boat you will aim to walk on water.
To take it one step further beyond our sight, lies faith. The belief that goes beyond the natural seeing and that is where agreement with God takes place. Once God says something about me and I reach that accord with God, what He says no longer becomes something I just read, or what I heard but it becomes truth. This truth then transcends into a belief that I can hold onto and live out. You begin to recognize what He says about you or the quotes/phrases that resonate with you ( because I believe God can use just, anything to get your attention), He is not just revealing what He wants you to know, but revolutionizing your behaviour to do what you are called to do.
Now of course, having faith isn't easy and the number one reason why affirmations don't always stick beyond repetition, is because there are holes in our faith caused by traumatic experiences, disappointment in the past, lack of exposure, cycles, mistrust, distorted views, betrayal and the list goes on and on. I don't have an one stop fix for these holes, but the first step in the process of mending these holes is to recognize them. Recognize why it is so hard for you to hold onto the belief that you are good enough, recognize why it is so difficult to believe you are capable, confront why it is so exhausting holding onto the vision or dream you have in your life so that you can get in agreement with the truth.
Being in agreement with what God says about me is what helps me take those Peter “walk on water steps”. I have to be in agreement with God to move and not look back, I have to be in agreement to invoke the power of faith, I have to be in agreement to see the manifestation of everything I am called to be. That I am gifted, I am worthy of love, that everything will work together for my good. I am in agreement that I have an assignment and there are people, especially girls and women who need my vulnerability, story, life experience to push past the status quo and tap into their purpose and being, to be curious of what makes them, them and not just another pretty face defined by society, men, culture etc.
So, I gotta ask you, when someone bigs you up, when you thumb through your journal, your saved quotes on IG, your screenshots of affirmations and highlighted bible verses….what are you in agreement with?
How you see and what you believe determines how far you go
The equation for successfully implementing affirmations is: Truth + Belief = Impact
Uncover the holes in your belief and begin the process of healing
Be in agreement with the Creator